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Welcome, if it's not too much trouble, permit me a second to present myself. I'm a High Class Gentlemen's Companion, situated in Sofia/Bulgaria however if there should arise an occurrence of your advantage you can meet me in any city on the planet. I offer an elegant assistance of the most perfect quality. Regardless of whether you are arranging an end of the week away or searching for some private snapshots of joy. I couldn't imagine anything better than to be your staggering partner. I frequently get praises for my normal excellence, fantastic taste and warm character - exotic nature is my obsession. I'm receptive and gutsy. I'm constantly dressed consummately and favor a rich ladylike style. Regardless of whether our arrangements incorporate appreciating lunch or going to an evening soiree, I will be dressed properly for the event - I generally endeavor to show my common magnificence. I hope to be deferential and honorable conduct is constantly valued and liberally remunerated. I will be pleased to hear from you and satisfy your assumptions and wants.