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Actualizado: marzo 12, 2025 23:01
Courtesan is not a Prostitute Escort is not a Hooker be my Guest and know the Difference! it’s the world where you can meet a lot of Strangers, Beauty has always been a factor but we often forget that one must have something in her heart. do allow me to make my first public appearance! My name is Kaye, and i'm Latina-Filipina who can be your temporary girlfriend while you're here. I'd be interested in going on dates and will accompany you wherever you go. I’m a polite and well-mannered woman. I am available for videocalls and camshows as needed for verification. With that, I'm open to gentlemen who are Discreet, Foreigner, Expat, Local and First Timer who’s looking for PERFECT MOMENTUM, GOOD COMPANIONSHIP , CLASSY EXPERIENCE and REAL SATISFACTION and Assuring you of a completely clean and satisfying experience. so, come and find me on whatsapp and lets negotiate! but, strictly no bargaining rate. for more updated picture follow me on Instagram @kimupossible
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