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Actualizado: septiembre 30, 2022 03:06
As a modern woman with a deeply hedonistic streak, I marry classic femininity and an assertive touch perfectly, with a keen interest in longer, intellectually challenging and high-quality endeavours. Elegant and polished but with an alternative edge, my delightfully full curves, huge blue eyes, quick wit, and curious mind make Me the perfect companion for a date of decadent indulgence, both in and out of the sheets! Dominant and well versed in kink, I genuinely relish taking control as well as taking time slowly seducing my partner in crime! I'm a woman who has curves in abundance, with a bottom-heavy hourglass shape, round and voluptuous hips, thick and firm thighs and an inviting posterior. I take the utmost care to be always impeccably groomed for you, from the softness of my delicate skin to the last strand of my richly brunette hair! As I truly adore my work, the absolute satisfaction of us both is paramount to me! I offer a truly sensuous, wonderfully tactile, unhurried experience where my main aim is to lull your worries and everyday stresses away and relax you completely. Charming conversation, delectable intimacy, and tactility will soon have you in a state of absolute bliss. Do get in touch if you crave a touch of pampering distraction in or away from Dubai
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