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Actualizado: abril 30, 2023 10:32
Hello gentlemen My name is Tugba. I have long black hair, brown eyes and sexy lips, I am 26 years old. I was born and raised in Istanbul. I am the original Turkish woman, l speak Turkish and English. I have beautiful eyes and a natural sexy feminine body. I am 1.60 in length. Neither tall nor short. The perfect height to reach the marmalade shelf at the supermarket. I am 54 kilos in weight, I have an all-natural Turkish women hourglass figure.⌛ I am very fit, toned and healthy – not skinny. Are you planning to have a good time on your business trip in Istanbul? I can be your best friend for dinner and nightlife! If you are looking for a first-class escort girl in Istanbul, I can be the best choice for you. My dresssing style is feminine, sporty and tasteful and. I have a passion for fine lingerie. I give you my secret and I love sex very much. I can turn into a horny devil in bed. If you want a special girlfriend to share your fantasies, you should call me today.
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