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This profile has not been verified. Person in the pictures could look different in the reality.

Updated: May 15, 2016 20:37

Can you remember the last time that someone REALLY took care of you? When was the last time you just threw your head back and laughed until tears came to your eyes? When was the last time that you felt completely and totally relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated? It’s probably been awhile, so let me remind you of how great life can be...Let me take all your worries and cares away with my soft hands and gentle manner. Let this 22 yr old with tanned body help ease you into a deep sensual massage and state of pure bliss. My easygoing nature will having you smiling and feeling glad you came...CHEERS BYE FOR NOW TILL I SEE YOU IN PERSON...

phone_android Phone: +971529241990
bookmark Website:
My details:
Nationality: VENEZUELA
Languages: ENGLISH
Age: 22
Height: 170
Weight: 65
Hair: black
Eyes: BLUE
Measurements: 35 35 35

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