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Carina independent

This profile has not been verified. Person in the pictures could look different in the reality.

Updated: February 06, 2023 02:00

Writing personal descriptions has always been my personal hell, but I wouldn't want to send you on a completely blind date, so here goes! I like to think of myself as warm, bright, sexy and engaging. Other people have confirmed at least three of those adjectives. ;) I'm also told that talking to me can be cathartic. Being open minded seems to have that effect on people. Our time together should be indulgent, savored, and un rushed. I have a full life, and only see a few gentlemen per week, as I prefer to keep each rendez vous individual, fresh, and exciting for both of us...

phone_android Phone: +4917663055349
bookmark Website:
Companionship rates:
2 hours rate 300 EUR
3 hours rate 450 EUR
full night rate 1200 EUR
My details:
Nationality: Spanish
Languages: English, German
Age: 25
Height: 167
Weight: 58
Hair: Blond long
Eyes: Green
Measurements: 93-62-91

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