I have a question because I have an issue regarding the medical aspects of these escorts. These girls are checked for any kind of sexual disease.
- Haider3711 Member
- ajayshah Member
No!! Almost all of the working girls are here on visit / tourist visa which DOES NOT require any medical test, so they are NOT tested. I reckon only a handful of the girls who are living here as a resident would be tested as per the visa norms. Rest all are not. Most of the agencies / working girls will obviously answer this question as YES as they want to do business and get clients. Thus my honest suggestion is to COVER YOURSELF UP! Use protection...
- pleasuresexyladiesss Provider
Ask servise with condom ....most clients are not educated asking from girls servise without condom....girls are refuesed.....
- MillionMan Member
none of them make this , so ty to protect yourself ! better for you !
- virtuaboy Member
FYI, East Asians in Dubai are recruited from a pool. Basically they get tested before arrival. not sure about credibility. but its some internal policies between agents and pool managers.like other business there is bidding, bargaining everything.
- asullivan2 Member
I always cover up but I do get OWO. I go on binges with service, and at the end of a binge, used to take antibiotics before returning to regular life, just for peace of mind. Now Dubai pharmacies won't dispense without prescription. Anyone know more relaxed pharmacies?