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Minage is fake escort photos(9 posts)

  1. the girl minage is all fake and Photoshop. very bad service and they steal your money. she is not from Australia. her number is 0524450658

  2. Oh well.. you really need to be aware as most are African scam There are few hints in the way the ad is written to tell if this is African scam or not though.

  3. most of the profiles are fake, big ugly black

  4. How to know ?

  5. @leopard_jo, How to know ?

  6. I faced that situation two years ago, On Facebook the profile was for the Blond Italian, and when she came to my room she was a Black Nigerian, and she hide from hotel security and reached my room, and when she entered my room she refused to leave until I paid her One Hundred Dirham for Taxi. From that moment I really never trust or believe any Social media escort pages profile

  7. The only way to know the real from fake is to have the experiment by yourself,and in case if she is fake, please report and comment here to save others. Thank you

  8. Ad wording, Google image search and the voice of the scam on telephone and the way she replies on whatsapp :)

  9. See for example this ad: This is 100% scam and an African lady will show up..

  10. @Sami_saba, The wording of the ad... nationality etc Example this one is 100% fake I can bit my life on it lol

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